Here are some our our frequently asked questions:

How long does the B11 LMSS Certificate last?
It will need renewing every 3 years by taking one module that includes relevant standards updates and passing a refresher exam.

What time do the modules begin?
The modules currently all run at 10am Eastern Time

Do I need to complete the modules in order?
No, but you must complete all 5 and pass the exam to receive the B11 LMSS™

Is there a discount for bulk orders?
Yes, for group bookings of 5 or more attendees, please contact us for more details.
We are always happy to discuss custom packages for larger orders, please contact us here.

What format is the course material in?
PDF, printouts are available upon request

When will I receive the course material?
Approximately one week before each module

How long are the modules?
Each module is scheduled for 6 hours, including breaks

Where do the modules take place?
All the modules are remote. In-person courses can be requested

What is the maximum number of attendees per remote module?
25 people

Who will grant the course certificate?
B11 Standards, Inc.

Do I need the B11 standards series to complete this course?
It is not essential for the course but highly recommended when it comes to applying the standards

Is there a test for every module and how do you take the test?
No - Only one Examination is required and is taken upon completion of all 5 modules, it is online and open book with 50 multiple choice questions to complete in 90 minutes

Who are the experts running the course?
Jenny Tuertscher FSE (TÜV Rheinland, #14247 / 17, Machinery) - the TC 199 U.S. TAG Chair and Expert member of ANSI B11 Standards, ISO TC313 WG1, and ISO TC199 WG3, WG5, WG6, WG7, and WG8.

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